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Window Scams to Avoid

Window companies have developed a reputation for misleading or predatory techniques in order to secure a sale, but you will never see that kind of behavior from RJW Exteriors. Why? Because we are confident enough in our Home Guard Windows and team that we sincerely believe you are getting the best product and best service for the best price around.

But not every window company is like us, so here are a few of the common dishonest window scams that our competitors might use to squeeze a sale (or worse) out of you.

Bait and Switch Pricing

Some companies will advertise window prices that are lower than normal in order to secure to a meeting with prospective buyers. Once arrangements are made, the prospective customers meet with the salesperson only to find out that the price and/or product that was advertised is not quite what it seems.

Typically, the cheap price will be for a window that is practically useless, and you’ll then be informed that in order to get the window you want, you’ll need to shell out for different upgrades and packages. Before you know it, you’re spending more than what you’d get elsewhere and for an inferior product! You’ll NEVER see this kind of behavior at RJW Exteriors; our prices and products are the best investment you can make.

Deceptive Quotes and Installation

Going hand-in-hand with bait-and-switch tactics are deceptive price quotes and equally deceptive installations. It’s not out of the ordinary for predatory companies to offer a low price for a replacement window only for the buyers to find out that the replacement they are getting is an inferior window to what they thought they would be getting installed. Some may also advertise low installation costs, but their quality of work will no doubt measure up to the quality you expect.

“Special Deals”

One of the most obnoxious sales tactics employed by unscrupulous window companies is to have their salesperson offer a series of misleading “special deals.” The thing is, the prices that they offer with these “limited” deals are really closer to the price you SHOULD be paying in the first place.

Sometimes, they’ll even make a final desperate attempt at a sale before they leave your home, saying something like “what do we need to do to make a sale today,” or attempt to guilt you into a decision. This is despicable and manipulative behavior, and it’s something that our team would never do. We respect our clients too much.

Neighborhood Discount

A classic marketing technique is for a window company to knock on doors or leave pamphlets offering discounts on services because they’re “already working in the neighborhood” (or some variation of the sentiment.)

In reality, this is usually nothing more than marketing jargon and just a way to get more prospective customers as fast as possible by putting them in a position where they think they’ll lose the “deal” if they wait too long.

Trade-In Scams

If a window installation company offers a “window trade-in” discount, consider it a red flag. There is no trade-in market for used windows, meaning that there is no financial incentive or benefit for the company, meaning that any kind of “trade-in deal” is just an excuse to get you to spend money at their company. In other words, it’s nothing but a meaningless marketing ploy.

Choose RJW For All Your Replacement Window Needs

RJW has been replacing windows for more than 28 years, and we are confident that we offer the quickest and best installation methods for every project that we tackle, not to mention the best value.

We offer an exceptional selection of durable, energy-efficient replacement windows from top brands such as Home Guard Windows & Doors, and we can help you decide what type of replacement window is best for your situation. Every member of our installation team is licensed and insured for your peace of mind, as well!

Contact us today for a free consultation!